How To Go Plastic Free - 3 Simple Swaps For a Healthier Planet

How To Go Plastic Free - 3 Simple Swaps For a Healthier Planet

You’ve seen the pictures of turtles with straws up their noses and beaches covered in plastic waste. The statistics are staggering – it’s estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. As someone who loves the ocean, this is devastating. But I am also realistic and I know that going completely plastic free is really hard. I mean, everything these days comes wrapped in plastic!

But, here’s the thing – we can all make a difference by making small changes in our everyday lives. Below are 3 easy swaps you can make to help you live a plastic free lifestyle.

1. Bring reusable bags to the store – This one is so simple but so effective. Invest in some cute reusable bags and leave them in your car so you always have them with you when you go to the store. Say no to plastic bags!

2. Bring your own to-go coffee mug – I am guilty of being a coffee shop addict. Usually, I just get a flat white but sometimes I’ll treat myself to a caramel latte. Instead of using one of their disposable cups, I bring my own reusable mug and get a discount on my drink! It’s a win-win.

3. Buy products without packaging or with minimal packaging – This one can be tough because we are so used to convenience but it makes such a difference. Whenever possible, buy products that come without packaging or with minimal packaging. And when you do buy products that come in packaging, recycle it! You can even upcycle some packaging into something new like this tutorial shows.

We can all make a difference in saving our planet by making small changes in our everyday lives. Next time you’re at the store, challenge yourself to see how many of these 3 swaps you can make. Going plastic free isn’t always easy but it’s worth it for our planet. Together, we can make a difference!
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