Ethical Eid Part 2: Celebrate Eid ul Adha Sustainably

Ethical Eid Part 2: Celebrate Eid ul Adha Sustainably

If you're reading this, chances are you're already somewhat interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle. And that's great! There are so many ways to reduce your negative impact on the environment, and every little bit helps. This week, in addition to Eid ul Adha, there are three events taking place that you can include in your Eid celebrations.

Clean Air Day x Eid ul Adha:
First up we have Clean Air Day, observed on 14th June, and it’s all about raising awareness of air pollution and promoting cleaner air for all. This Eid, consider implementing eco-friendly transportation options to and from gatherings. Carpooling, using public transport, or even organising walking groups can reduce emissions and contribute to cleaner air. Additionally, choose eco-conscious decorations and avoid activities like fireworks, which can worsen air quality. By prioritising clean air, we can ensure a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations to enjoy during Eid festivities.

Plastic Free Beauty Day x Eid ul Adha:
Next up we have Plastic Free Beauty Day, celebrated on 17th June, which encourages us to rethink our beauty routines and reduce plastic waste. As we prepare for Eid, consider opting for beauty products packaged in sustainable materials or refillable containers. Embrace natural and DIY skincare treatments using ingredients from your kitchen, minimising the need for single-use plastic packaging. When exchanging gifts or treats, choose eco-friendly wrapping options like reusable fabric or recycled paper. By embracing plastic-free beauty practices, we can look and feel our best while minimising our environmental impact during Eid celebrations.

Sustainable Gastronomy Day x Eid ul Adha:
Finally we have Sustainable Gastronomy Day, on 18th June. Gastronomy, often dubbed the culinary art, encompasses both the cooking style indigenous to a region and the appreciation of local food and cuisine. Sustainable gastronomy, therefore, pertains to cuisine that takes into account where the ingredients are from, how the food is grown and how it gets to our markets and eventually to our plates.

The food industry is responsible for a huge amount of greenhouse gas emissions, so by eating more sustainably, you can make a big dent in your carbon footprint. Here are some tips on how to eat more sustainably this Eid (and everyday after too).

1. Shop local and in season:
One of the best things you can do for the environment is to buy food that hasn't been shipped long distances. When you buy locally-grown food, you cut down on the emissions from transportation (shout out for Clean Air Day!) and also supports your local economy. Win-win! Another way to reduce your impact is to only buy food that is in season. Seasonal produce is typically fresher and doesn't have to be shipped as far, so it's a double whammy in terms of sustainability.

2. Cut down on meat and dairy:
The meat and dairy industries are some of the biggest polluters out there, so by reducing your consumption of these products, you can make a big difference. You don't have to go completely vegetarian or vegan (though that would be ideal), but even cutting down to one meat-free meal per week can have a positive impact. Not sure where to start? Try swapping out lamb for plant-based crumbles in your biryani dish or making a vegan version of your favourite cheese-centric recipe. Trust me, your taste buds won't be able to tell the difference.

3. Waste not, want not:
In the UK, we waste a staggering amount of food - it’s estimated that we throw away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste annually! That's not only bad for the environment (all that wasted water and energy!), but it's also bad for our wallets - and our stomachs. So one of the best things you can do for sustainability is simply to waste less food. Start by planning your meals for Eid ahead of time so you know exactly what you need at the grocery store and don't end up with uneaten produce languishing in your fridge.

Composting your kitchen scraps is another great way to reduce waste. And if all else fails, get creative with leftovers! There's no need to let perfectly good food go to waste when there are endless possibilities for delicious ways to repurpose them.

Eating sustainably might seem daunting at first, but it doesn't have to be all-or-nothing - every little bit counts! By following these simple tips, you can easily make more sustainable choices in your diet that will help reduce your negative impact on the environment.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started! By integrating the values of Clean Air Day, Plastic Free Beauty Day, and Sustainable Gastronomy Day into our Eid ul Adha celebrations, we can create memorable experiences that honour both our religion and our planet. Let’s make this Eid a sustainable and joyous occasion for all! Eid Mubarak!

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